Danish Conductors Association

The Danish Conductors Association is an organization of professional Danish conductors representing a broad spectrum of musical genres.

Our members work primarily with symphony orchestras, military orchestras, theatres, big bands, and choirs.

The object of the Danish Conductors Association is to attend to the artistic, professional, and economic interests of its members. This is achieved through various activities, such as the distribution of the collective payments that come from copyright fees obtained through Gramex, an independent organization approved by the Danish Ministry for Cultural Affairs for administration of the financial rights of performing artists and record companies and distribution of the funds received from TV, radio broadcasting and other public performances to its members.

These funds also provide financial support for promotional activities such as live performances and cd recordings as well as for educational purposes in the form of study-visits and courses.

  • Administration of various grants.
  • Representation in various associations connected with copyrights and in The Danish Arts Council.
  • Course activity.
  • The publication of the member’s magazine “Kapelmesteren” (“The conductor”) three times a year.


Contact The Board

Chairman: Henrik Vagn Christensen
Phone: +45 21 69 12 86‬

Deputy Chairman: Jonas Viggo Pedersen

Finance: Jonas Johansen
Dronningensgade 79, 4., 1420 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Phone: +45 4089 9930

Board member: Maria Badstue

Secretary and Editor: Bodil Heister
Strandboulevarden 40, 3.th., 2100, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Phone: +45 35 38 47 58

Substitutes: Currently unoccupied